
Homemade Banana Ice Cream

When people mention homemade banana ice cream they are usually not referring to real ice cream.  Some creative person thought it would be a great idea to freeze bananas, then blend them and call it “ice cream”.  Now, the dessert is delicious and a lot healthier than real banana ice cream but it definitely doesn’t… Read More Homemade Banana Ice Cream


No Sugar Added Jam

Jam is one of my favorite ways to compliment the flavor of biscuits or a piece of toast.  I grew up eating breakfast sandwiches and biscuits with grape or strawberry jam on them.  Most of my life I’ve eaten Smucker’s brand jam.  My husband loves buying homemade jam and he asked if we could try… Read More No Sugar Added Jam


Ice Cream Cupcakes

Ice Cream Cupcakes are a play on a traditional cupcake, using melted chocolate as the holder and ice cream as the “cupcake”.  I was challenged on my Facebook page to re-create the Food Network Ice Cream Cupcake to see if it was possible.  I followed the steps in the Food Network video below and was… Read More Ice Cream Cupcakes


String Art Challenge

I first learned about string art while watching a Buzzfeed Nifty video.  During the video, I watched a person wrapping a string around nails to make beautiful patterns.  I instantly fell in love with the idea of using string to make art and added it to my project “to do” list.  Months went by and I never… Read More String Art Challenge


Button Bowl Challenge

So, last week I made my first button bowl!  The goal of this blog is to provide inspiration, tips, and instructions. I'm currently taking craft and recipe challenge requests from my Instagram and Facebook followers.  I want to show that with some inspiration, instructions, and lots of practice we can do MOST things we set our mind… Read More Button Bowl Challenge